tasty goodbye

whoever thought of pinoy-style despedida, i thank you.
late this afternoon, the whole astra company gathered to celebrate july birthday-ees and to bid us farewell.

15 months:
lem and i experienced japan - what it's like to live alone, to work together.
[a prelude to the australia trip we are taking next month.]
i got to experience working inside the up campus - snails, trees, a breath of fresh air.

at a very emotional time, we got to share a meal of pancit malabon, pork barbecue and chocolate cake.
overflowing drinks and laughter. thank you all for wishing us well.

adrenaline rush

on the eve of my last day of work, i am short of emote time.
[bugs are still waiting to be fixed.]

i am grateful for this job. reminded me there are still a lot to learn.
[was able to take a nap too :)]


i experience palpitations every once in a while. [ever since i got this thyroid thingy]
i have always wondered if my heart could take the speed of the wayward beating.

so far, so good. amazing machine. thankful to the Creator.

do not delay

growing up in a culture where business is personal and personal life is serious business,
it is refreshing to have discussed a prospective project objectively and quickly --- no drama.

laid our cards on the table:
he wants a developer based in manila.
i am leaving manila next month.
he would have wanted to work with me.
i would have wanted to give his project a shot.
he bid me to take care, "sorry didn't get to work with you earlier.."
i wished his project well, "
i should have advertised earlier :D"

that's it. a good morning.


[i bet you also don't know how pronounce the title. :p]

had dinner with 25by8 pips at crustasia rockwell powerplant last night.
reminiscing brought so much laughter: we were young, clueless, financially tight,
and we used to order half chili garlic calamari at Q's for 50 pesos (whole was for 85 pesos).

thankful we are still young, and can order new things (no half orders this time) on the menu.
[and i still don't know how to pronounce the title.]


lem, jo and i have a suki cat during lunch time. [we don't know her name and we didn't ask.]
most of the time her berks tag along for a free lunch. and they almost always get the first bite.

today, we came out later than usual. she was already waiting.
ah, this is what taming is, [as the fox described to the little prince].

i wonder if she'll miss us after next week.
i am thankful we got to share lunch with her.


i don't have problems with wanting to acquire more.
realized wanting to do more is my discontentment issue.

not that it's bad.
it's just that being discontent (in whatever way) makes me miss out on enjoying the good things i have or have done.

thankful i have quite a lot to celebrate.
may i remember to pause and rejoice. then move forward.

clipped wings

"If you would find freedom, learn above all to discipline your senses and your soul."
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison

an old man once commented about my having clipped wings.
i think he was referring to some rather well-behaved carefree spirit he saw.

"Discipline is not so much the way by which we are restrained, but the way we channel our energy in a particular direction." - Charles Ringma, Seize the Day

my gratitude to those who did the clipping.
the clipping hurt, but clipped wings sure are easier to handle in flight.

music minor

me: "teecher john, dami ko mali!"
teacher john: "joy, mali kapag alam mo na tapos mali mong ginagawa. marami ka pang hindi alam, hindi mali yun. aral ka pa at practice."

thankful he knows what to do with me. [especially when most of the time i don't.]
i'll miss him.


Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

i was reminded to rest. stop struggling and rest.

it was good to see manong willy and manang dolly beaming with good health.
[they survived some 'Jaroing' experience.]

travelling light

being given 40 kilos to pack everything for sydney
i am thankful for the crash course on letting go.

realized i don't really need much
and most of the things i have deserve better homes.

so i sort and sort some more. melancholy piling up.
good thing they won't be weighing the memories i'd carry with me.


it pains me each time i am reminded that most of what gets into the news is a circus fabricated by politicians.

for example,
many are already rehearsing for the main parts of the 2010 presidential elections
[which happens to be the opening date of the actual show].
it pains me more to observe that when the show is ongoing, what actually happens is the reverse of the rehearsals.

but then again, pedestrian overpass are being built and OFWs illegally recruited are being helped and sent back home.

thankful there are rehearsals. sana wala na lang actual show.

dry ice

funny when i try to cling on to dear life i seem dead
and the moment i choose to die the death i have been dreading
i am jolted back to life.

today, i saw a rat swimming in a river that overflowed.
thankful i wasn't in the same waters.

love love love

sang the beatles' all you need is love with prends
last saturday at centerstage ktv.
we celebrated:
- my birthday [and the new adventure ahead :P]
- the coming of cindy's baby boy
- pen's marriage
- aimee's motherhood [and matt!]
- rosemarie's travels
- tet's plans [tet flew all the way from cebu!]
ah, the joy of celebrating with friends.

prayer full

"pinagdadasal ka namin." ate eddy greeted me sunday morning.

i am moved each time somebody says that to me.
i think i wouldn't be who i am now without loving prayers.
an expression of love, and this is a glimpse of the depth of that love.

hoping i can say that too - honestly and frequently.

ya ya sisterhood

ya. i have a sister. a very good friend.

she came home 1am this morning,
just a little while after i got off a 2-hour phone call from hansel.
[thank you dave! always refreshing to chitchat with you.]
we talked till 4am, over santol and peanut butter; tea and water.

i'd gladly give up sleeping hours,
moments like these, priceless. ya.

striking lighting

Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. [Gen. 1:3]

whenever i pass by g. araneta avenue on the way home,
i gape at the Sanctuarium.
i find the play of lights and shadows beautiful.

and i'd like to think God thought of me when He created light.

UP Ikot

a sampling of the current generation of students can be observed while one is riding the yellow jeep.
they wield ds lites (with r4ds), wear havaianas (mojos have long been forgotten),
talk so loud (their ears are plugged with earphones)
and a number of them carry laptops and use jansport bags.

i ride with them, and am fascinated, thinking how different the campus has become because of them.
gone were the days of loose shirts, grunge looks (shorty shorts and skinny jeans rule these days).
pancit canton is being served by fishball stalls and sunken garden is a frisbee place.

yesterday, a guy got in the jeep and bumped his head on the lamp mounted on the roof.
he cried "Ouch!", found a seat, rubbed his head and smiled a lot.
though i would have said "Aray!", i was already smiling a contented smile ---
i am comforted that some things remain the same.


morning commute to work is either on a taxi or an fx then a taxi.
and drivers are as varied as the cloud formations that day.
some are slow drivers, fast talkers.
others are speed maniacs and nontalkers.

today, manong cabbie lectured on why we should be taking edsa and not q. ave.
and for every traffic light we passed, he never missed the chance to tell us why.
for every car that blocked his way, he honked so hard and swerved so enthusiastically,
my head throbbed violently with my heart.

i would have appreciated it if he had given us a quieter ride.
["parang awa nyo na manong, ang aga aga pa e!", was on the tip of my tongue throughout.]
but arriving in one piece, i am thankful -
they fight hard battles every single day, still they deliver me safe and sound.

hot water

i don't mind not having hot water for bath. (but it sure is welcome anytime)
but i mind it a lot not having hot water for drinking.

the water supplier at our office long delayed fixing the water dispenser.
took them more than a month. finally today, a technician came to fix the problem.

i find it more difficult to swallow cold water than hot water. (room-temp water is okay)
but water is water is water is water.
thankful i know another thing about myself.


the God of grace i've read in the bible proved and is proving Himself to be so.
over and yet again. Stubborn Love.

Grace made tangible, obedience is the only loving response.
i ask for wisdom and lots of courage.

oh my darkling

i delight in nibbling on dark chocolate.
its bitterness amplifies its subtle sweetness.

thankful for life's simple pleasures.
[however, being simple entails so much complexity. teehee :)]

midnight snacking

the caloocan care group goes to manila every so often, ever since ahia alex and achie debs moved. and after an hour and a half of fellowship (singspiration, bible study, thanksgiving and prayer time), merienda follows. the length of time for it is indefinite.

if everybody is up to it [only time is the issue as it is almost always unanimously alright to eat dimsum or shabushabu together as an excuse to catch up on each other's lives or it could be the other way around :p], we go to golden fortune in soler or in wanchai benavidez or to any new cheap yummy chinese food place in the neighborhood.

last night, it was shabu shabu in golden fortune.
i celebrated with them, life. thankful i have them to exchange notes with.

paper white

in last week's youth fellowship at glory evangelical church,
i shared what i try to live out and know about care giving.
i stood in front as someone who is running the same race,
not as a better runner.

if life were a clean sheet of paper and every sin an ink mark on it,
mine would have been marked with ink blotches and smudges.
i am thankful Love covers a multitude of sins.