missed sydney festival 2009

if living in the eastern suburbs deprive me of sunsets
sunrises, i think, would make a good substitute
a sunrise is different from a sunset as it is peacefully cheery
a stark contrast to melancholy

today, after barely 4 hours of sleep
[watched verdasco give his game to nadal]
i was smelling the seaweed-y smell of the ocean at dawn
the smell seems more subtle in late afternoons
i think this is because hundreds of people already sniffed most of it
and the sun dries what remains

thankful for the salty dip in the sea i share with sharks


took the bus to work today.
it was a nice ride as i could see the morning drizzle.
missed my stop. walked 4 blocks.
thankful for new things.
thankful i can afford to be late for work.


it was a scorcher of a day yesterday at 41 degrees.
the hottest day we've experienced here in sydney.
even with sunblock all-over, i wasn't spared by the sun's burning rays.
lem and i were out most of the day as saturdays are our usual unit-hunting day.
thankful today is 25 degrees.
thankful too for the heat, makes me acknowledge the lack of it.

coming full circle

david cohen, in august 1991, bought me a book: the bridge across forever.
i am refraining from buying books, until i saw this one at vinnie's last sunday.

thankful for second-hand stuff. being second is indeed a celebration.

letter writing

"i wish you'd learn how to love dave."
"achie, how is it to love? will my doing this be loving?"
"i also don't know. i wish i do and i wish i can help you. but i am learning myself."

dave, know i am growing with you.

memory gap

so it's been 5 months. and i am now a regular employee.
yes, the grueling 3-month probationary period is over.
i can now work harder as the coming months look to be more grueling.

today i finally made an acquaintance with someone working in the same building aside from my officemates.
"the name's john, by the way."
i hope i won't forget.

watching the tennis

movie buff that i am, i missed a lot of good ones.
i might have been so young, or i might have not enough funds.
last night was silence of the lambs.
thankful for second chances.

ogenki desu

i'd always say i don't miss japan at all, not even after living there for 8 months in 2007.
i was wrong. i would often find myself craving for ramen, maki-sushi, udon and somen.
and i just love ocha and genmaicha. the list goes on.

yesterday was buffet lunch at yutaka restaurant in bathurst street.
thankful for cravings. even more thankful for cravings satisfied.

72% Cocoa - Dark Ghana

then there are days that i am not up to anything:
my brain refuses to cooperate and i need to work and earn my keep.
my mood is swinging from right to left , up and down.

thankful i can write about these too.

basking in the smell of rain

ever notice how some smell transports you several years back to remind you of a place or food or somebody?
i have those moments and they stop me on my tracks.
i wallow in them, i think through which object i associate the scent to.
only when i finally decided i have pinned down the one that i go on my merry way.

funny that scents i remember are always comforting and good and happy memories.
i thank God for selective amnesia.

3B pencil

being here at sydney, there are many things that takes getting used to:

some mirrors in public toilets only reflect my forehead.
there are some items that are not available in the shop, until i look 3 levels higher up the display shelf.
or being asked for an id before being admitted to a restaurant that serves alcohol.
then there's being bumped into without being noticed.

thankful i can speak english.

dessert after breakfast

for someone who's been trying to choose to be selfless each opportunity, i am one hypocritical gal.
i mix so many things up. and i make quite a mess, a subtle mess at times, to those i profess to love.

but hey, i am loved. despite. and loved deeply, unconditionally, faithfully and with full of hope.
grace in action. i am thankful.

flies are meant to fly

days without planned activities are very hard to come by for me.
maybe because i bump into things i want to do or places i want to see all too often.
but they do come by and today is such a day.

i spent my morning ironing clothes while watching tv --
there's alicia keys in london, then ellen's show then oprah.
that's the arts, comedy and financial advice one after the other.
after chewing on these potato chips, i'll be moving my butt
and find a decent callcard - i want to hear my shobe's voice.

i am thankful God gave me hands, really.