winter, just a day more

psalm 88, a prayer of despair

prayers do not guarantee answers i want
but thankful they make me
"pursue Christ not happiness
pursue life rather than relief"

baked cheesecake

this weekend had been very social
hanged out with older friends
reached out to new ones

thankful for free food
and take away fruits
lemons freshly picked from the tree

soft chewy nougat

my workday started with so much to do
it was so overwhelming i did not know where to start.
now that it has ended,
thankful i can say something had been done.

listening to a drilling sound

white, beige, gray and blue
were all the cable colours i knew
until today when a boy so keen
installed alarm units with cables,
the colour green

easy way iced green tea

ta, when saying grace for a meal,always thanks God for the work each one of us had done for the day.
now, i try to do the same.
i have learned from him not to take being able to do what i do for granted,
as one day i may not be able to do the things i can today.
i thank ta, for imparting this simple truth.
and i thank God for His enabling.

26.1 kilos

i have a love-hate relationship with airports
as they are both bringers and takers.
selfish that i am, i'd rather get than give.
however, i don't really own anything, much less anyone
and i cannot give what isn't mine ---
i can really then just be thankful for what falls in my hand.

thankful for time with ivy
thankful we were able to help her check her baggage in
thankful too we were able to fare her well.