filo shop

this post should have been about green mangoes
which i had on the weekend.
the same weekend ondoy dropped metro manila a surprise visit.
thankful family and friends are safe.

new bathroom sink taps

i missed swim class today.
thankful there's nothing a 600ml carton of strawberry milk can't remedy.

a day at a time

picky eater that i 've become
i have been pushing myself to try new things
tonight was bbq lamb ---skewered spicy lamb bits grilled to perfection
went down well and will probably eat them again

it's a thursday and i am thankful.

mar 4, 5.30pm

listening to an indie rock album
the unfamiliar can be a sort of refuge:
thankful to know i still allow the new to surprise me.

thankful for tea

for friomixx iced tea
for starbucks zen iced tea
for ersao bubble green tea
for sunkus circle k genmaicha
for kirin milk tea
for coffee bean and tea leaf strawberry and cream tea
for easy way iced green tea
for boost mango green tea mantra

still more sleep for me

today i read,
"your brain is more active sleeping than it is watching tv."
hah, just when i thought i am giving my brain rest.

friday again

i often hear myself complain about how overwhelmingly hectic my day can be
or how crazy the schedule is or how drained my brain is at the end of the day
which usually translate to physical lethargy

however, saying "i love what i do" out loud
telling a colleague how i feel about my work makes a lot of difference:
a confirmation that i am not just putting up with this job.

"if you'd win the lotto joy, would you still work?"
"definitely would."

"sorry i made you think this morning joy."
"no worries chelsea. i find it rather cool to be paid to sit and think."