henin vs williams

the sound of a tennis ball
hitting the hard court
will be missed

i marvel at the silence
then the uproar
the wince of frustration
the simper of relief
off to the next point

tomorrow's the last day
but there's always next year

partially forgiven

i was talking with tso 2 nights back
about dealing with uncertainties by ignoring it
how possibilities keep things interesting
and his reading "fooled by randomness"

the new motto nowadays is "die broke" you know?
didn't. when is it going to fly?
if it goes smoothly, baka in the next 2-3 months
this is exciting
it's crazy
come to think of it, what isn't?
anything worthwhile is, i guess
hahaha, true


yesterday the serviette i used to take out a sandwich from a tabletop oven caught fire
good thing the sink was nearby, thankful i didn't really cause any fire

nadal vs murray

"it is better to be safe than sorry"
this has been what's taught since i was young
maybe because it is the most sensible thing to do

then there are some who say
"it is better to be sorry than safe"
following dreams even if it means going broke


new year

We meet today
To thank Thee for the era done,
And Thee for the opening one.
- John Greenleaf Whittier