optimist pessimist

the other day, i learned that it is nice to engage myself in a conversation with children.

samuel, a 6-year-old boy, had been constantly kidded about grown-up talks:
"sammie, is this container half-full or half-empty?"
"uhrm, half-empty?"
"sammie is a pessimist! ate joy, is this container half-full or half-empty?"
"girls rule!!!! we are optimists ate!"

we spent the morning trying to clean up the garden. weeding a bit here and there. come lunch time, we settled in our designated places around the table. after saying grace, sammie blurted out,

"my bowl of soup is half-empty!"
"we can see that..."
"no, when you are taking from the bowl, it becomes half-empty. but if i am pouring juice into my glass, then it is half-full."

urhk. i wonder why i never thought of it that way.

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